Sandhills Theatre Arts Renaissance School (STARS)
Sandhills Theatre Arts Renaissance School (STARS) is located in Vass, NC. The school serves grades K-12th (the high school will be closed in 2025 to focus on elementary education), and has a student capacity of 850.  The school empowers students talented in the arts to maximize their abilities to create superior artistic performances and to excel academically in the classroom.  
140 Southern Dunes Drive Vass, North Carolina


Construction Expansion for STARS

Construction Expansion for STARS

Sandhills Theatre Arts Renaissance School (NC) has tripled enrollment over the past 10 years to over 700 students.The school completed 2 phases of expansion, including 10 new classrooms, admin space, and most recently the addition of covered walkways connecting buildings and brand new sidewalks. Grant Range: $1M + Grant Year: 2022

New Locks and Doors for STARS

New Locks and Doors for STARS

STARS (NC) has new locks on its interior doors and new exterior doors. Grant Range: $5K-$10K Grant Year: 2023

New Chrome Books for STARS

New Chrome Books for STARS

STARS (NC) has new Chrome Books for use by teachers and students. Grant Range: $10K-$25K Grant Year: 2022

New Promethean Boards for STARS

New Promethean Boards for STARS

STARS (NC) has 6 new Promethean Boards to further classroom learning. Grant Range: $10K-$25K Grant Year: 2024