KCC Riverview South

Kid’s Community College Charter School is located in Mathog, FL. The school serves grades pre-K-12th at two separate campuses and has a student capacity of up to 764 students. 

10030 Mathog Road Riverview, Florida


New Lighting at KCC South and Southeast

New Lighting at KCC South and Southeast

KCC Riverview South & Southeast (FL) have upgraded lighting in multiple buildings. Grant Range: $10K-$25K Grant Year: 2022

New Devices for KCC South

New Devices for KCC South

Kid’s Community College South (FL) has new devices to support math, science and enrichment activities. Grant Range: $10K-$5K Grant Year: 2023

New Security for KCC South

New Security for KCC South

KCC South (FL) has an extra layer of protection with a new FOB system and its integration into the building. Grant Range: $10K-$25K Grant Year: 2024